I had a request over the last couple of days to add a QR Code to 2 SSRS reports: 1 in Ax 2012 and another in a WPF application written in C#. QR Codes are of often thought as a font and they are somewhat analogous. However, it was very clear very early that QR Codes are images.
In X++, QR codes can be created in a container. The container can be an field on a table. Once it's populated, you place it on your SSRS report and it displays. It is very similar with D365. To keep things easy, I wrote the QR Code Generation into a static method in a class.
server static container createQRCode(Str1260 qrString)
Microsoft.Dynamics.QRCode.Encoder qrCode;
System.String netString;
str tempFileName;
System.Drawing.Bitmap netBitmap;
FileIOPermission perm;
BinData binData;
container result;
netString = qrString;
qrCode = new Microsoft.Dynamics.QRCode.Encoder();
netBitmap = qrCode.Encode(netString); //encode the string as Bitmap can be used already
tempFileName = qrCode.GetTempFile(netString); //to get the QR temporary file
perm = new FileIOPermission(tempFileName,'r');
binData = new binData();
//get the QR code image put inside container so can be stored inside database for storing or reporting purpose
result = binData.getData();
return result;
In the WPF application, I decided to install a 3rd party component: MessagingToolkit.QRCode. I found it on NuGet at https://www.nuget.org/packages/MessagingToolkit.QRCode. Although it is a bit old, it worked perfectly. The only trick is that SSRS does not recognize Image objects coming from .Net, rather its image widget needs to be populated with a Byte array. However, once that hurdle is figured out, the rest was rather easy.
using MessagingToolkit.QRCode.Codec;
public Byte[] QRCode
QRCodeEncoder encoder = new QRCodeEncoder();
encoder.QRCodeVersion = 10; //higher versions allow larger QR Codes.
encoder.QRCodeErrorCorrect = QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.M;
string qrText = this._ticket.Number + ", " + this._ticket.NetWeight.ToString();
Bitmap qrCode = encoder.Encode(qrText, new UTF8Encoding());
MemoryStream imageStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
qrCode.Save(imageStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
return imageStream.GetBuffer();
One thing to notice: the MS component, save the QR Code to a temp file and then loads it into byte array (BinData). The MessagingToolkit is nicer as the operation appears to be done entirely in memory.